Behavior For Learning

We have high expectations of students and encourage self discipline.
All students are expected to behave in a responsible manner and show consideration, courtesy and respect for other people, property and their surrounding. The School's Code of Conduct and Behavior for learning policy is clearly spelt out to students and there are well defined courses of action which may be taken if students misbehave. When problems occur,parents are kept closely informed and, if necessary are invited into the school to discuss the situation. A five tier system of consequences does operate for those students whose activities challenge the Code of Conduct. Detention, target setting reports and in very serious cases exclusion are sanctions employed to support our Behavior for learning Policy.

The School does, however try to minimize these problems by encouraging a school culture which emphasis success, Merits or credits are awarded for praiseworthy contributions in all areas of school life both inside and outside the classroom. for outstanding positive contributions to the, certificates of commendation are awarded.

Throughout the year a number of star students are ideinfied and prize given assemblies are held at which the efforts and contributions of everyone, not just the prize winners are celebrated.

School Uniform
The school uniform should be worn daily, Every child expected to bathe daily and wear fresh clothes every morning. Children with dirty cloths, shoes, heads ets. will not be allowed to attend class.

Class Work & Home Work
1. Class wotk, which includes oral and written work, class tests are taken into consideration for promotion.
2. At primary level and junior High School level,homework in English, Maths, Science and other optional Subjects is given regularly as per the schedule. Guardian are requested to see that their Children complete their homework every day
. Parents are requested to collect progress reports of their wards regularly on the date announced must be returned to the school within three days of their receipt, failing which it will be considered lost and a duplicate card will be issued against payment of Rs.100/-|

The school provides facilities of transport by bus and van although it involves great expenditure, the whole idea is to educate younger generation especially for those students who stays far from the main town. Withdrawal from conveyance facility must be preceded by a months's notice in writing or a months's fee in lieu of notice. Conyeyance Charges for Vacations will also have to be deposited.

Change of Rules
Rules & Regulation mentioned herein may be changed without notice. Any modificatons as and when made, will be binding on all existing students.


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