A student found guilty of gross misconduct may be asked to be withdrawn from immediately the school.
The following may be interpreted as constituting gross misconduct:-
a) Truancy from either Assembly or class.
b) Habitual late coming
c) Shortage of Attendance
d) Indifference towards studies
e) Rudeness or Insubordination to the school Authorities
f) Cheating during a test of Examination.
g) Any other act that in any way harms the school.
1. No child can be absent without a written application.
2. No leave of absence is granted except for serious reasons and no previous written application of parents/ guardian. as a rule, not more than one day's leave
of absence is granted to attend the wedding of a close family member.All applications for leave should be made BEFORE the leave is availed.
3. Late arrivals after the vacations may have their names struck of the rolls.
4. Students affected by infections or those who have been exposed to such diseases in their homes must complete the required quarantine period before rejoining
school. This should be indicated on the Medical certificate.
5. School property wilfully damaged or destroyed will be required to be repaired. In addition a heavy fine may be imposed.
6. Every student should keep the school campus tidy, neat and clean. Bins are provided for any litter.
7. No extra books, newspaper/ periodicals may be or electronic gadgets brought into the school premises without Principal's sanction.
8. The School is not responsible for any students loss of property. Students are responsible for looking after their books, personal item etc.
9. No jewellery is to be worn except a watch during examination and no make up of any kind is to be used. Nails are to be kept short.
10. Parents / Guardians are requested to notify the school,if any changes in address or telephone Numbers.
11. Every child is to attend assembly . The hours of class attendance are as notified in the school diary from time to time.
12. No students is permitted to leave the school during class hours for any reason.
13. Guardians should be on time to take the children home. The school is not responsible for any children after working hours.Those students who have to wait for elder one will remain with the resident scholars in the classroom.
14. The use of unfair means in an exmination test will entail the annulment of the entire result. If it occurs during the final examination, promotion may be
denied. If the offence is repeated parent / guardians will be requested to withdraw the student concerned.
regularly as per the schedule. Gaurdian are requested to see that their Children complete their homework every day .
15. Parents are requested to collect progess reports of their wards regularly on the date announced must be returned to
the school within three days of their receipt, failing which it will be considered lost and a duplicate card will be
issued against payment of 100/-