Examination System & Evaluation

We do believe that the sole object of assessment is to find out the launching point from where the teacher can facilitate the child's learing process. For us wrong answers are as important as correct answer to provide us the true picture. All applicants of the problem the child is facing are invited to a conversation where they are given an opportunity to tell us about their interests and achievements. Because education is a three way partnership, We also look forward to having a conversation with their parents.

Enrolment in St.Xavier's implies on the part of both pupils and parents a willingess to comply with all the requirement and rules of school. The principal has the right to suspend the attendance or require the withdrawal of any pupil without having to assign any reason, provided that he/she is satisfied that such a step is necessay in the interest of the school.

The Principal reserves the right to waive any of rules contained herein without assigning any reason for his/her action. The interpretation of any rules in the prospectus, as well as any amentdment to it, rests solely and entirely with the Governing Body of the school, which shall be final and binding on parents /guardians and in no case lie in any court of law in respect of their decision.


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