
The Vision the Institution envisages to plan a movement seeking to re integrated Indian culture, by the application of the modern critical apparatus to its anxiety to preserve the heritage that is uesful with the courage to replace it with more effective expressions of the Indian spirit in consonance with its present circumstances. Finding ourselves in an era of liberalization, optimism and a virtual revolution, no body can cast a blind eye towards proper education.

St.Xavier's High School is aims at imparting quality education with its goals set on all round personality development of students and their Careers

It is the time of realizing those vision, that the social reformers and the nationalist leadership longed for, implement in reality in the dawn of the twentieth century. That was an era of idealism, this one is of implementation.Our earnest hope is that realizing and absorbing the brighter rays that education provides. The scholars will be enlightened and the meaning of education its self be expressed by it's vivid revelation through the students.


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